Easily strengthen resilience and relieve stress now with these five questions

Leadership Coaching Outdoors 5 questions to strengthen resilience and relieve stress

Easily Strengthen Resilience And Relieve Stress Now With These Five Questions

For many employees and leaders, stress is a constant factor throughout their daily work and often results in burnout at some time in their working life.

Asana’s recent work on burnout among 10,000 employees across seven countries revealed that 72% of the respondents experienced burnout. In addition, it sadly revealed that 42% of the respondents find burnout necessary for success.

Such a high prevalence of experiencing stress in such a manner that it causes burnout asks for much-needed attention for employees, leaders, and organizations. Even if you are currently feeling excellent (which is great!), knowing how to strengthen your resilience and profoundly relieve stress is vital.

So what is resilience exactly?

Resilience, from a human science perspective, refers to the psychological resistance of people to biological, psychological, and psychosocial risks (Wustmann, 2005). However, resilience is also the ability to master crises by resorting to personal and social resources. And to use these resources as an opportunity for transformative development (Welter-Enderlin, 2006).

In short, we can state that resilience is a system that finds itself in turbulence but adapts and survives. Resilience, therefore, is the process that restores functional balance. So a transformation happens into a new stable, functioning Being.

The characteristics of personal resilience

Personal resilience characterizes itself by three aspects:

1. Resilience is a dynamic process of adaptation and development, evolving from the interaction between the individual and the environment with which the person interacts.
2. Resilience is situational and multi-dimensional. Depending on the socio-cultural context, every phase in life changes the perception and meaning of resilience for that specific person.
3. Resilience comes from positively managing life events and taking a positive approach.

The five questions for strengthening your resilience

To instantly strengthen your resilience effectively, answer the following five questions. These questions help you clarify your available resources and the risks.

Make sure you reserve some time and guarantee you won’t be interrupted. Then, if you cannot continue at that moment, put it aside and resume when you can.

1. How is my battery level at this very moment?
2. Which tasks or situations give me energy?
3. What drains my battery?
4.1 How can I do more of that which gives me energy?
4.2 How can I do less of that which drains my energy?
4.3 How would I describe my ideal battery level?
5. What are the first realistic and concrete steps to achieve that ideal battery level?

The next step in further developing your resilience effectively

It may not feel as easy as it sounds to strengthen your resilience or relieve stress.
Apart from answering the questions here, having your Individual Management Drives Profile proves highly valuable. Through an online survey containing 20 questions, you will receive your profile instantly in your email.

You will then see where you stand: your natural motivations, what gives and drains energy, and how you behave under stress. Your profile draws many insights and lessons: what are your wishes, how can you do more of what feels good, and how can you use your strengths purposefully? What are potential pitfalls in your behavior, and how do you respond to stressful situations?

Gaining awareness and insight while answering these questions with a coach will instantly relieve stress and provide the tools to strengthen your resilience effectively.


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